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Smart Tax Strategies

  • Is your tax bill taking too much out of your paycheck?
  • Could your investment gains be taxed at a lower rate?
  • Do you know whether a Traditional or Roth IRA is better to save in?
  • Should you pay down your mortgage faster or hold onto your write-off?
  • Will your heirs be taxed heavily when they inherit your assets?

Taxes are one of the single largest expenses we have, yet we spend so little time considering ways we can keep Uncle Sam out of our pockets. At Shinneman Wealth Group, we help our clients identify ways to lower their overall tax burden by offering tax planning services in Skokie, Illinois.

Because every financial move you make has tax implications, it goes without saying that if you had a professional team of seasoned experts monitoring those tax consequences and offering strategic advice in concert with your investment management, retirement and estate planning, your savings could be staggering.

There are so many opportunities to accomplish these savings when your financial services are bundled and managed by the same firm. We offer this service at Shinneman Wealth Group. No two families are in the exact same financial position, so the bottom line is that at the end of the day, it’s about how much you can save on your taxes.

If you would like to see for yourself if you can reduce your tax bill with tax forward planning, our friendly and knowledgeable staff are ready to take your call and schedule a complimentary review. We look forward to the opportunity to help you keep more of your hard-earned cash where it belongs: in your wallet.